İkinci El Otel Malzemeleri / Restoran Malzemeleri / Mutfak Ekipmanları
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Array ( )GET:
Array ( [pg] => 2 )
Array ( [before] => Closure Object ( ) [segment] => Array ( [0] => urunler [1] => kategori [2] => ayna-cesitleri ) [route] => /urunler/kategori/ayna-cesitleri [Bootstrap::Autoloader[1]] => registered path "autoloaded class "/home/xx2elcom/domains/ikincielotelmalzemeleri.com/public_html/view/admin/modules_/blog/ [Bootstrap::Autoloader[2]] => autoload registered [Bootstrap::Autoloader[3]] => autoloaded class "/home/xx2elcom/domains/ikincielotelmalzemeleri.com/public_html/view/admin/modules_/blog/Blog.class.php [template] => front/themes/master/mod_index.tpl.php [Bootstrap::Autoloader[4]] => autoload registered [Bootstrap::Autoloader[5]] => autoload registered )
1. select | total: 1 . SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE id = 1 ;
2. select | total: 1 . SELECT title_en, info_en, keywords_en, description_en FROM `modules` WHERE modalias = "blog" LIMIT 1;
3. select | total: 14 . SELECT * FROM `menus` WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY parent_id, position;
4. select | total: 1 . SELECT * FROM `mod_blog_categories` WHERE slug_en = "ayna-cesitleri" LIMIT 1;
5. count | total: 0 . SELECT COUNT(a.id) FROM `mod_blog` AS a INNER JOIN `mod_blog_related_categories` AS rc ON a.id = rc.item_id WHERE rc.category_id = 42 AND a.active = 1 LIMIT 1;
6. SELECT | total: 0 . SELECT a.id, a.created, a.title_en AS title, a.slug_en AS slug, a.body_en AS body, a.thumb, a.rating, a.membership_id, c.slug_en AS cslug, c.name_en AS ctitle, GROUP_CONCAT(m.title_en SEPARATOR ', ') AS memberships, (SELECT COUNT(parent_id) FROM `mod_comments` WHERE `mod_comments`.parent_id = a.id AND section = 'blog') as comments FROM `mod_blog` AS a LEFT JOIN `mod_blog_categories` AS c ON c.id = a.category_id INNER JOIN `mod_blog_related_categories` AS rc ON a.id = rc.item_id LEFT JOIN `memberships` AS m ON FIND_IN_SET(m.id, a.membership_id) WHERE rc.category_id = 42 AND a.active = 1 AND c.active = 1 GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY created DESC
7. SELECT | total: 1 . SELECT p.id, l.plug_id, l.space, l.place, p.system, p.alt_class, p.plugalias, p.plugin_id, p.title_en as title, p.body_en as body, p.jscode, p.show_title, p.cplugin FROM `layout` AS l LEFT JOIN plugins AS p ON p.id = l.plug_id WHERE l.modalias = "blog" AND p.active = 1 ORDER BY l.sorting;
8. SELECT | total: 30 . SELECT c.id, c.parent_id, c.name_en AS name, c.slug_en AS slug, (SELECT COUNT(p.id) FROM mod_blog p INNER JOIN `mod_blog_related_categories` rc ON p.id = rc.item_id WHERE rc.category_id = c.id AND p.active = 1) AS items FROM `mod_blog_categories` AS c GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY parent_id, sorting;